Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bull Cuts (Bowl Cuts)

Bull cuts were one of the great innovations that the 1990's brought my generation. Having a bull cut was a staple for any teenage boy who wanted to be cool. The hairdo meant that you were a bit rebellious because there is no way anyones parents appreciated their child having the lower half of their head shaved. If you dyed your bullcut blonde on the top then this made you twice as cool. If that blonde bullcut happened to be parted in the front then you were a bullcut god. Musical great Nick Carter, of the Backstreet Boys, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio were the innovators of this look. Since Carter and DiCaprio were both rich, famous, and every girl loved them; it was every teenage boys dream to copy this look.
The way that the "bowl" was cut into your head was an iffy subject though, too much bull and not enough cut really left a kid with a brutal haircut. The key was to have your head shaved about an inch and a half above your ears, anymore or any less could result in a poor haircut. There was nothing worse than that kid that everyone knew who looked like he had a mop on his head.
Another great thing about the bullcut was how low maitenance it was. Since the bottom half of the head would be shaved, only half of the head needed to be taken care of.
How did bullcuts possibly become uncool with all of these obvious advantages? I'm pretty sure nobody knows the answer to that one. It probably came with the demise of the Backstreet Boys and Leonardo DiCaprio, but hopefully just like all fads it will make its return. Personally, that return of awesomeness cannot come soon enough. Who wouldnt want a little party on the top, while still maintaining a proffesional buisness appropriate haircut on the bottom?
I think the biggest question that should be asked about this legendary hairstyle is how did it actually become cool? Who decided one day to shave the lower portion of their head? How did parents let this happen?


  1. This reminds me of when my mom used to put my hair in a "sidewinder". It was a pony tail to the side of my head. It makes me wonder how these trendy hairstyles get started. I am not sure how these styles become cool or even allowed. For smaller children, I think parents believe their kids look cute giving them a certain haircut, not realizing how hideous they really appear. My friend's mom let him have a rat tail when he was younger. I am not a fan at all, and of course people at school made fun of him. How do parents think these are trendy, or decent haircuts?

  2. Leonardo DiCaprio grew up, so that explains some of the demise. And hair styles come and go. I agree with Antonio. What other fads are you going to post. The visuals that accompany them are especially fun.

  3. The bowl cut was awful. I mean yeah back then it was in style but if anyone had that today, I don't know what I would say to them. I know my mom gave me a bowl cut once and it was dreadful. I was little but still, it was bad! Never again. But I agree with Becky...there are alot of other fads that have changed over the years, like styles of clothing.

  4. I don't know about teenagers but i definitely had this haircut for way too long. When I think of bowl cuts I usually think of the shoes with the gel on top that kids used to squeeze all day and go bat-shit for. This was also around the time where teenagers thought goggles were cool haha. It's good that fads eventually die out. can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  5. This is funny, almost like the mullet; business in the front, party in the back. It's funny how haircuts like this were considered cool. Although my little brother has an edgy bowl-cut almost surferish, so I guess he can pull it off!

  6. www.bayromeo.com
